  • 期刊


On the origin mechanism of civilization in Tang Dynasty--Focusing on Zhenguan Zhengyao (《貞觀政要》)




"Wu" (武) and "Confucianist" are the two major factors of Tang Dynasty civilization, which are very important. The discussion of the mechanism of the Tang Dynasty civilization is to expound the importance of the two and study how they are combined. First of all, on the "human" factor: 1, Li's group is a traditional military noble origin.2、 Li's group has outstanding performance in the prestige of uniting various forces, in the backbone members of the Li family, and in the strength of in laws.3、It replaced the Tujue (突厥) as the leader of the alliance of grassland and Central Plains.4、The rulers of the Tang Dynasty respected different customs and practiced a dual or pluralistic system. 5、 The joint rule of the monarch and the ministers stems from the military tradition. Secondly, it can be seen from Zhenguan Zhengyao (《貞觀政要》) that the Tang Dynasty ruled the country with "respect, leniency, faith, sensitivity and benefit" in the "conduct" of politics, with strong Confucian color. Secondly, on the whole, the Tang Dynasty consciously and comprehensively chose Confucianism to govern the country. Finally, why did the Li group choose to accept Confucianism? 1、The charm of "Wende" (文德) politics itself. 2、Conform to the development of historical trend. 3、The collective will of the Confucian chool group. 4、The necessity of Yan Wu Xiuwen (偃武修文).5、Taizong Junchen's (太宗君臣) self expectation. The new conquering Dynasty combined with traditional Confucianism comprehensively and deeply, which created a generation of civilization with far-reaching influence.
