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The Effects of Group Work Intervention on Senior Health Activities of Learning for Elderly Male


鑑於我國人口壽命延長、健康老化的趨勢與需求,甚少有研究以70歲以上男性老人為實施對象,本文以某榮家參加健康拍打操活動學習的老人為對象,採單案設計之時間序列設計(one case design of time series design)方法來檢視團體工作方案介入男性老人健康活動學習之成效,分析運用團體動力能否促進老人的學習行為、社會互動。研究結果顯示:(1)量化評鑑結果,經運用團體動力介入後,每位成員的參與情形皆在持續進步中,在團體後期幾乎都達到滿分27分;(2)質性評鑑觀察紀錄分析結果,團體成員、團體工作人員角色、團體互動模式、團體氣氛和團體凝聚力皆有所改善;(3)評鑑方案本身,能達成方案目標,方案設計符合成員的需求,內容多元且簡單易行,促進成員願參與。最後依據研究結果提出研究限制及建議,以供實務工作者規劃老人活動方案參考。


According to the life expectancy of our country is raising, there are needs and trends in healthy aging. However, rarely researches subject in elderly male who are over 70 years olds. The research targets in this study are the elderly male who joined the health holding activities in a veterans home. This study use one case design of time series design as the methodological tool to examine the effects of group work intervention on senior educational curriculum for elderly male. The study analysis the effects of group dynamics in promoting the learning behavior of elders and their social interaction. This research found that: (1) According to the result of quantitative analysis, the participation of each group member had raised since group work intervened the curriculum. In the end of the group work, most members got 27 in their score of participation, the full credit. (2) In the consequence of qualitative analysis, there are improvements in many parts, including group members, the role of group workers, the way of group interaction, group atmosphere and group cohesiveness. (3) The program was multi-variate and easy, which promoted members to participate the group. Moreover, It met the demand of group members and achieved the goals of the program. The last part of this study are suggestions and limitations, which based on the consequence of this study. Hoping this research might be the reference for worker to plan the elders activities.


