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Mental health social worker supervises a teaching and training plan and presents its effectiveness




This program is a Mental Health supervisor training program for social workers. It promotes specialist training in accordance with the Social Workers Law. This program provides peer-to-peer supervision through specialist social workers. By applying to become a qualified specialist training organization and planning training contents and implementation, and according to the plan to implement the relevant assessment. To provide social workers clinical supervision and training through specialist training so as to enhance the professional quality of social workers. Mental health specialist social worker supervises and the implementation of teaching and training plan and effectiveness. This training enables cross-hospital and organization social workers to form cross-unit peer support, to share limited resources (training courses), to observe and exchange professional ideas through the training in other hospitals, to reflect on the professional connotation of mental health social workers, and to enhance professional confidence, but also provide specialist social workers (supervisors) as a professional supervision, clinical practice will be pooled, teaching, and professional heritage. This study compared the difference between hospital and outside training.


醫 策 會 ( 2017 ): 臨床醫事人員培訓計畫。網址:http://www.tjcha.org.tw/FrontStage/page.aspx?ID=C8953BAA-EF2E-410C-89B9-87A6DC3F5DB8
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