  • 期刊


Nietzsche's Exotic and Esoteric Teachings


Nietzsche's exotic and esoteric teachings are no longer obscurant. But in order to avoid further confusions, a straight-forward clarification is called for here: "God is dead" according to Nietzsche himself is his plain, exotic and sensational catchword while "modern intellectuals have degraded to a herd of livestock", his esoteric teaching. Like Jorge, the blind priest in Umberto Eco's novel The Name of the Rose, Nietzsche has smeared all his writings with poison, laying down a plot to kill ruthlessly all those post-Enlightenment illuminati and literati who take a delight in reading his books. Nietzsche handles esotericism with a master-hand, pushing the "logic" of the enlightened reason to an extreme (hence: reason =will =elan vital), exaggerating radically the anti-Christian mentality of the Enlightenment and pretending to be the most enlightened person (The case of Lu Xun is an illustration of someone being fooled by Nietzsche's make-believe). Since the death of Nietzsche one hundred years ago, countless illuminati and literati have taken this make-believe of Nietzsche as an inherited revelation by which they may create new values and enlighten the indifferent masses. Even today those preachers of post-modernity walk away satisfied and cherishing Nietzsche's plain, exotic and sensational catchword. They are convinced what they have kept a hold on is the esoteric teaching of Nietzsche. They never realise that their hands now are full of the poison permeating in Nietzsche's books.



