  • 期刊


Inquiry and Application of Rudolf Bultmann's Methodology in Existential Theology


For Rudolf Bultmann there are three prerequisites III shaping of theology: 1) the precondition of theology IS believing; 2) the object of theology is God; 3) theology corresponds to the revelation of God. From there Bultmann developed his existential theology model. On one side Bultmann tried to make dialog with epistemology in this model; on the other side he accented the difference between theology and philosophy. Bultmann based this methodology on Soren Kierkegaard's existential philosophy, whose theory is that we can get the knowledge of God just from the approach of subjectivity; whose kernel is the relation between Individual and God. In this area philosophy has no appropriate language to describe. In this article I survey the model of Bultmann's existential theology, then discuss what its methodology can supply in the establishment of Chinese theology.


