  • 期刊


Reconsiderinq Sino-Christian Theology in the Perspective of Theology of Culture


Since many of its proponents are university-based scholars in Mainland China without adherence to any Christian church, Sino-Christian theology has been identified as an academic, humanistic and cultural theology in contrast to the churchly theology advocated by seminary-based Christian theologians. The dispute between the two groups taken place during the 1990s tended to further dichotomize cultural theology (wen-hua-xing shen-xue) and churchly theology (jiao-hui-xing shen-xue). In some of the discourses on Sino Christian theology, Sino-Christian theology seems to be either in contradiction with or irrelevant to churchly theology. Based on a critical examination of the concepts of "cultural theology" (wen-hua-xing shen-xue) and "theology of culture" (wen-hua shen-xue) in Chinese and English, including their usages in major theorists, e.g. Paul Tillich and Bernard Meland, this paper attempts to argue that "cultural theology" or "theology of culture" is not necessarily to be contradictory with or irrelevant to churchly theology (Kirchliche Theologie). Through reviewing the recent discussions in theology and culture, especially the works of Kathryn Tanner and Graham Ward, who have incorporated the recent theories of culture in their theologies, this paper attempts to argue that it is neither necessary nor desirable to dichotomize churchly theology and cultural theology, especially in the contemporary Chinese context. It further suggests that the Sino-Christian theologians and the seminary-based church theologians should cooperate with each other in order to fulfill their own cultural tasks.


