  • 期刊


Modernity and the Origin of the History of Thoughts of Sino-Christian Theology in Mainland




From the perspective of history of thoughts, Sino-Christian theology in contemporary Mainland China includes two fundamental facets. The first one is to the social psyche and thoughts by the end of 20th century, which reflects the original context of Sino-Christian theology. The crisis of faith after the Culture Revolution accumulated enormous spiritual energy. The spirit of faith depended on Marxist humanism and its cultural form "aesthetics form", which was terminated by the ideology control in the mid-1980s. The critical reflection on aesthetic horizon and its pre-modern background led to the search of Christian faith. The second one was the "Great Chain of Being", which shows the spiritual mechanism of modernity and the relationship between modernity and Christianity. The difficulties in the modern transformation of China leads one to consider the formation of modern spirit. Thus the attempt to surpass the limits of the Enlightenment and to trace the roots of modernity has become the initiative for the rise of Sino-Christian theology.
