  • 期刊


Augustine On Nothingness, Matter and the Origin of Evil


This article offers a metaphysical interpretation of Augustine's theodicy. The author argues that Augustine's explanation of evil presupposes a dualistic opposition between being and nothingness, with the latter being the ultimate source of privation, expressed in the form of mutability, that permeates into the core of the created world. Moral evil is a special instance of this metaphysical permeation. Augustine's concept of formless matter, i.e. that which is "next to nothingness", functions as an intermediate link of the permeating process through which the privation of nothingness results in the evil of the created world. In particular, material matter and its natural mutability functions as the intermediate source of natural evil , whereas spiritual matter and its moral mutability (the will 's free choice between good and evil) functions as the intermediate source of moral evil.


Augustine Theodicy Nothingness Matter Evil
