  • 期刊


The Rewriting of the Image of Jesus Christ: From Saviour to Proletarian: A Comparative Study of Zhu Weizhi's Jesus Christ and Jesus the Proletarian


Zhu Weizhi (1905-1999), a Chinese Christian scholar, published his book Christian & Literature in 1940, which was the first book dedicated to studying Christianity & literature in China. But it is seldom known that he also published two biographies of Jesus Christ. One is Jesus Christ (Yesu jidu) in 1948; Another is Jesus the Proletarian (Wuchanzhe yesu zhuan) in 1950. In these two biographies Zhu had very different opinions on Jesus, whose image was changed from the Son of God or the Saviour to a son of the working class, a proletarian or a revolutionist after the victory of the Chinese Communist Party in 1949. Zhu tried to make his faith adaptive to Marxism and socialist ideology. He made a compromise when religion was regarded as opium of the people. This article explores the causes of the rewriting of the image of Jesus by Chinese Christian intellectuals. Chinese traditional culture, the movement of Antichristian, the fate of the nation, postcolonial resistance and Utopia imagination of New China all impelled Chinese Christianity to make adaptive changes.
