  • 期刊


"Métis" Wisdom Motif in New Testament and Meaning Construction: A Case Study of Mark 7:24-30




Ever since the beginning of 20th century biblical studies started to pay attention to the Greco-Roman historical and cultural context of the scriptures in their interpretations. This article uses "métis", a kind of wisdom originated from Greek mythology. as a lens to present this connection. The author firstly introduces the features of "métis" and argues that "métis" has become a motif existing in the ancient Greek and Roman literatures. It is a wisdom favored and used frequently by the weak: and powerless. Jesus and his followers who lived in the area of Palestine and Greco-Roman context not only knew this wisdom but also used it to fight against the Jewish and Roman authorities. Thus. this "métis" motif is easy to be found in New Testament narratives, and plays a role of producing new meaning and new vision. In order to illustrate the connection between "métis" motif and biblical narratives, this article focuses on two verses in Mark 7:24-30 and presents the meaning-construction function of "métis" motif in this story after reviewing the interpretation history of these two verses.
