  • 期刊


Timothy Richard and Christian Socialism


近來,基督教社會主義在現代中國的命運引起學界關注,但是,對於其傳入中國的年份,目前只追溯到一九〇二年,而實際上李提摩太早在一八九一年便在其《救世教益》英文版中提及Christian Socialists,並在其中文版中吸納其思想,這便是其「四民說」中的「安民說」。一八九六至一八九七年,李提摩太就振興中國之事向英國著名基督教社會主義者華萊士約稿,並將之譯為中文在《萬國公報》上發表。此外李提摩太和廣學會還譯介了其他社會主義流派。這影響到康有為、梁啟超等人,並通過他們影響到民國張東蓀等人。其中,康梁重釋儒教經典,將基督教社會主義轉變為儒教社會主義。


Recently many scholars have paid attention to the history and fate of Christian Socialism in modern China. However, for many among them, it is not clear if Christian Socialism was introduced into China in the late Qing Dynasty, before 1902, or not. In this article the author points out that in 1891 Timothy Richard in his English book The Benefits of Christianity mentioned major Christian Socialists and their thought; he also absorbed some of these elements into his own Modernizing- China theory in Chinese. In 1896-1897 he asked one famous British Christian Socialist John Bruce Wallace to give Chinese governors and scholars suggestions on how to build a modern China, he then translated these suggestions into Chinese and published them in Wan Kwoh Kung Pao, No. 1, January 1899. Timothy Richard also translated Edward Bellamy's Looking Backward, 2000-1887 into Chinese in 1891. He also introduced Karl Marx's theory when he translated Benjamin Kidd's Social Evolution in 1899. By knowing Timothy Richard's relationship with Socialism, it can help us to further understand his influence on modern Chinese thinkers, especially Kang Youwei, who transformed Christian Socialism into Confucian Socialism.
