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Triplication in Isbukun Bunun


本文以音韻觀點探討郡社布農語(Isbukun Bunun)中,未曾被記載過的「三疊式」。本文指出,「三疊式」和郡社布農語的另一種重疊形式,即「音步重疊」一樣,都是複製詞彙之重音音步,只是相較於只複製重音音步一次的「音步重疊」,「三疊式」複製重音音步兩次。此外,與「音步重疊」不同,「三疊式」並不能複製所有類型的重音音步;「三疊式」僅能複製單音節音步,而無法複製由雙音節組成的音步。本文指出,此乃因為語言普遍不允許雙音節結構運作三疊所致。


This paper examines triplication in Isbukun Bunun, which is left unnoticed in previous studies. It is shown that triplication copies the stress foot (a quantitative trochee) of the base just as foot reduplication in the language. But unlike in foot reduplication, the stress foot is copied twice in triplication. In addition, unlike in foot reduplication, the stress foot copied in triplication is limited to heavy monosyllabic trochees but not heavy-light or light-light disyllabic trochees. The reason only monosyllabic trochees are allowed to be copied in triplication is that universally triplication does not allow its reduplicant to exceed a single syllable.


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