  • 期刊


An Axiological Analysis of Paul Hirst's Liberal Education Theory



This paper aims at clarifying Paul Hirst's earlier ideas of liberal education and its axiological assumptions. There are four parts in this paper: Firstly, an introduction to Hirst's professional career and his life long research themes. They are, inter alia: 1. relationship between theory and practice, 2. teacher education; 3. the nature of educational aims and objectives. From this, we can find out that owing to Hirst's showing zeal for teaching, research and taking part in educational practical activities, he often debated with his critics and then got an acute insight into the nature of education. Secondly, by giving the brief narration of Hirst's two far-reaching noted papers "Liberal Education and the Nature of knowledge" and "Forms of knowledge revisited", we can demarcate the underpinning of Hirst's earlier liberal educational thought. Thirdly, in the light of Hirst's assumptions, critics clearly pointed out the limitations of his thought. Fourthly, many critics with a hope of supplying an alternative to Hirst's liberal education that is fundamentally epistemological, thought that appealing to the Aristotelian tradition is the best solution to Hirst's problem of redefining liberal education in modern Philosophy. In fact, Hirst in the recent paper "Education, Knowledge and Practices" (1993) has revised his several original philosophical considerations and shifted from seeing education as primarily concerned with knowledge to social practices in spite of still holding different forms of theoretical knowledge to be distinguishable in terms of their logical features and truth criteria.




簡成熙(2021)。理性、知識型式與宗教教育:P. H. Hirst的宗教教育理念述評臺灣教育哲學(),61-99。https://doi.org/10.7001/JTPE.202106/SP.0003
李奉儒(2021)。重新省思Paul H. Hirst的博雅教育思想臺灣教育哲學(),1-35。https://doi.org/10.7001/JTPE.202106/SP.0001
