  • 期刊

P. Willis的《學做工》:概念、方法與研究方向

P. Willis’s Learning to Labor: Concepts, Method, and Research Direction




Paul Willis’ Learning to Labor is a classic in critical education studies. By bringing agencies and culture back to the discussion in sociology of education, it developed an analytical framework that synthesized structure and action as well as objectivity and subjectivity. Willis also went beyond conventional reproduction theory. He discovered that students were by no means passive recipients of the dominant ideology, that class domination was perpetuated because working-class students resisted-but not accepted-schools’ teaching, and that anti-school culture was formed at least partly by meanings, styles and practices from spheres outside schools. This article encourages scholars to use insights from Learning to Labor to further explore the connections between school education and social reproduction. It also urges that researchers go beyond Willis by extending cultural analysis to the individual level and private domain, adopting more rigorous and theory-guided definitions of "resistance" and "anti-school culture" and employing comparative method to investigate student cultures among different social groups and in diverse social settings.


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