  • 期刊


Review and Prospects of the System of Professional Mental Health Specialists in Taiwan




The study explores the set-up and development of professional mental health specialists in Taiwan. The employment of professional mental health specialists was originated from the Executive Yuan passing a proposal in 1990s of hiring professional guidance counselors to promote school guidance and counseling work as well as the Ministry of Education's pilot program. Some counties and municipalities have spontaneously developed the model of engaging psychologists to schools or providing social worker treatment, and have increased the number of student counseling centers and professional guidance counselors all over the country since 2011. This paper discusses the influence of professional mental health specialists on the development of school counseling over the past 25 years and clarifies the tasks and the roles of them with different professional licenses. It also explores the importance of professional empowerment and development while investigating their professional tasks, such as the responsibility for remedial counseling, integration of interdisciplinary teams, strengthening cross-system collaboration, and crisis management. Finally, the difficulties of employing professional mental health specialists are examined, and effective ways to build a long-term stable organization and system cooperation are suggested in this study. Professional mental health specialists are expected to become the hub of the professional communication platforms and three levels of guidance and counseling, hence, making sustainable direction and efficiency.


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