  • 期刊

H. Taba課程發展理論探究

Research on H. Taba's Curriculum Development Theory


本文旨在透過文獻分析探究Taba的課程發展理論。Taba本係留學生,因嚮往美國民主與進步主義教育理念,選擇留在美國發展。Taba以研究進步主義教育方法論起家,生涯發展卻與課程發展結下不解之緣。在實務工作與理論思索交互辯證影響下,Taba最終提出與泰勒原理(Tyler rationale)齊名的塔巴模式(Taba model)。塔巴模式認為課程發展需經歷需求診斷、形成目標、內容選擇、內容組織、學習經驗選擇、學習經驗組織,評鑑等程序。塔巴模式與科學化課程編製、泰勒原理皆認為課程發展是理性且科學化的過程,但其間仍有不同之處。解析其間的不同,亦可進一步瞭解塔巴課程發展理論的特性。


This article explores H. Taba's curriculum development theory through document analysis. Originally a foreign student in the United States, Taba chose to stay in the country because she yearned for American democracy and progressive education. Taba launched her academic career by studying the methodology of progressive education, but her career development was inextricably linked with curriculum development endeavor. Under the dialectical influence of practical work and theoretical thinking, she finally proposed the Taba model, which is as famous as Tyler rationale. In her model, Taba claimed that curriculum development process could be divided into seven steps: needs diagnosis, goals formation, content selection, content organization, learning experience selection, learning experience organization, evaluation. Taba model, scientific curriculum making, and Tyler rationale all assumed that curriculum development is a rational and scientific process, but there are still differences between them. Understanding these differences is helpful for understanding Taba's curriculum development theory.


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