  • 期刊


Comparison Effects between Video and Oral Instruction on Patients Anxiety and Related Knowledge for Simulation of Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold Treatment


本研究希望利用多媒體影片衛教方式提升病人對於深呼吸閉氣(Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold, DIBH)治療的模擬定位及治療流程認知、降低病患的焦慮程度及模擬定位所需花費時間。研究方法為將採用DIBH治療方式的乳癌病患隨機分為多媒體影片衛教的實驗組及口頭衛教的對照組,以前後測量表分析焦慮程度、模擬定位相關知識及總時間的衛教成效。在焦慮程度方面:經過衛教後每位病人焦慮程度皆獲得改善。實驗組病人平均下降4.42分,對照組病人平均下降4.19分。分別比較兩組後測焦慮程度分數經統計後未達顯著差異。在模擬定位相關知識方面:實驗組22.78分、對照組 22.96分,經統計後未達顯著差異。在總花費時間方面:統計結果顯示實驗組總時間33.70分鐘花費的時間明顯少於對照組48.44分鐘(p value < 0.05)。結果顯示影片衛教方式除了在焦慮程度與模擬定位相關知識與口頭衛教有相同效果外,所耗費總時間上明顯比對照組少。故選擇衛教結果相當但耗費時間較短的多媒體影片衛教方式較為符合成本效益。


This study used video instruction for patients with Deep Inspiration Breath-Hold (DIBH) in increasing the knowledge of simulation and procedure, decreasing the anxiety level of patients and overall time. The method of this study was to divide the patients randomized into two groups, video instruction for experimental groups and oral instruction for control group. The pre-and post-tests used the scale to evaluate the effects of the anxiety level and the knowledge of patients and analyzed overall time. The result of the anxiety level showed that both groups had a decrease in their anxiety level after the education. The score mean difference for the experiment group was -4.42, while it was -4.19 for the control group. Statistical analysis showed there was no significant difference in the anxiety between both groups post-test. For knowledge of simulation, the post-test score mean difference for the experiment group was 22.78, while it was 22.96 for the control group. There was no significant difference in the related knowledge between both groups post-test. In terms of overall time, statistical analysis showed there was significant difference (p< 0.05) between the 33.7 mins for the experiment group and 48.44 mins for the control group. This study demonstrated there was no difference between health education video instructions and routine oral instructions, and there was a significant reduction in overall time with video instructions. Therefore, it was more cost effective to choose the video instruction method which has comparable results but takes less time.
