  • 期刊


Traders, Captives, Renegades, and Ship-wreckers: Formation of Overseas Chinese Networks around the Time of Toyotomi Hideyoshi's Invasion of Korea


明神宗萬曆二十年(1592)年初,豐臣秀吉下達侵略朝鮮的指令。在日本軍隊登陸釜山之前一、兩年期間,中國官方分別從幾個不同的海外管道獲得豐臣秀吉的動向消息。豐臣秀吉的侵略行動,一直進行到1598年他本人身故為止。朝鮮被侵略的期間,中國官方也派出使臣與偵探,設法蒐集有關日本軍事行動的情報。些官方爪牙一旦到了海外,同樣也需要海外的華人襄助。恰巧,在豐臣秀吉侵略朝鮮前後,中國官方已經有了一個華人海外網絡以利用。本文之重點便在整 理、描述1590年代前後存在著的這個網絡,並且探討這些華人如何來到該網絡的節點,以及他們在此網絡上移動的情況。當十六世紀後半葉,東亞的華人網絡形成的時候,歐洲人也來到東亞。馬來文、葡萄牙文和pidgin English遞次成為國際間的交涉語言(lingua franca),溝通交涉的雙方。不過,那是專就口語而言。東亞國際之間的通行書寫文字實為漢字,而中文為東亞跨國文書的文體。因此,華人不只活躍於華人網絡,也常常於交涉中扮演通事的角色。在豐臣秀吉前後, 海外華人可獲得資訊的途徑因此相當廣闊。其中有些人主動提供情報給中國政府,而中國官員也稍稍錄用了這個網路上的海外華人。


Toyotomi Hideyoshi came to power in 1582. He entertained the idea getting a bypass to conquering China through Korea. Before his army landing at Busan (1592), Chinese authorities had already received intelligence through diverse overseas channels. Toyotomi's action lasted till 1598. The Chinese government came to give Koreans help and got deeply involved. In consequence, it also dispatched agents and diplomats abroad to collect information. These commissioners were deadly in need of the assistance of local Chinese. It happened that there was a overseas Chinese network then. In the time under discussion, Chinese came out and stayed overseas for different reasons. They were traders; ship-wreckers; captives; renegades (pirates and defectors); and so on. When Europeans made their early appearance in East Asia, Malay, Portuguese, and Pidgin English served successively as lingua franca, but it concerned only with spoken languages. The Chinese written language played a special role in other respect. It was easier to find Chinese people around, and all Chinese read one and the same written characters. Therefore, Chinese people were frequently employed as interpreters. They were accessible to hearsays and real information, and were thus enabled to become informants to the Chinese government.
