  • 期刊


Field Observation of Temples and Families of Xiao Liuqiu


小琉球的民間信仰興盛,廟宇眾多,其中「水流公」的習俗十分特別,展現了島 民對生命的價值觀。「水流公」習俗是小琉球漁民出海捕魚撈到落海的浮屍時,習慣將之帶回陸上安葬,並加以祭祀形成。若水流公出現神蹟,就會發展成有規 模的廟宇。在這樣的認識下,水流公的信仰與傳統祭厲相似,都是生者害怕無主 孤魂作祟的反應。然而,在小琉球,水流公從海中迎回到建廟的過程都與特定漁 船、漁夫有關,也由該漁夫的家族管理,因此廟宇建立的歷程也與漁村家族的發 展過程息息相關。這些無主孤魂可以透過某些儀式或神蹟,脫離孤魂野鬼的性質, 甚至放在家中祭祀。過去學界曾分析:人對鬼的態度,與人對陌生人的態度相同。 但在小琉球的個案中,孤魂野鬼可以跨越鬼與神的界線,島民與陌生人的互動也 可以不停跨越熟人圈、家族圈等界限,成為獨特的現象。


小琉球 水流公 民間信仰 家族


Folk believes flourishes in Xiao Liuqiu, and it is home to many temples. Specifically, there is a practice called "shuiliugong" (水流公), which reflects the residents' worldview on life. The practice originated from Xiao Liuqiu fishermen's custom of bringing floating corpses back on shore to bury them and performe veneration rituals. When there is a miracle from the shuiliugong, it would then develop into a sizable temple. With this understanding, the religious practices surrounding the shuiliugongs are similar to the traditional veneration ritual toward haunting spirits in that they are both a reaction of the living for fear of harm from ghosts without a family who claim them. However, in Xiao Liuqiu, from the point of taking a shuiliugong back on sore up to building a temple for it are all processes connected to one specific fishing boat and one specific person, and the temple would be managed by the family of that fisherman, thus the making of a shuiliugong temple is also closely related to the development of the fishing family. These spirits can transform out of being unclaimed ghosts by virtue of some rituals or miracles, and can then even be worshipped at home. Scholars in the past analyzed that one's attitude toward a ghost is the same as that toward a stranger. Nonetheless, in the case of Xiao Liuqiu, an unclaimed ghost can cross the boundary between a ghost and a deity, and a stranger can cross between the boundaries of the sphere of close friends, the sphere of the family, and so forth, becoming a unique phenomenon of Xiao Liuqiu.


Xiao Liuqiu shuiliugong folk believes family
