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Developing Early Creativity Through Building Blocks in Moving Image Education




Creativity includes imagination, curiosity, challenge, and adventurousness. The development of creativity helps children's cognitive and problem-solving skills. This study aims to examine early creativity development by using building blocks on moving image education courses. Participants consisted of 30 children studying in a private kindergarten in Tainan City during 2018. Teachers pre-guided reading of picture books firstly and then went through the process of step-by-step in animation film shooting to complete the storytelling with only build blocks. The course lasts for 30 weeks, including subsequent dubbing, performance and conclusively the Creativity Assessment Packet tests were used as pre-test and post-test. The research results are as follows: (1) Building blocks-assisted children's imaging teaching can significantly improve children's curiosity; (2) Building blocks-assisted children's imaging teaching can significantly enhance children's imagination; (3) Building block-assisted child imaging teaching can significantly improve children's challenge; (4) Building block-assisted child imaging teaching has no significant effect on improving children's adventurousness. The overall results showed that Building blocks had a positive impact on children's creativity.


黃淑賢、陳炯憲、施如齡(2019)。運用數位說故事於偏鄉國小在地文化課程之行動研究。數位學習科技期刊,11(1),51-75。doi:10.3966/2071260X2019011101003【Huang, S.-H., Chen, C.-H., & Shih, J.-L. (2019). An action research of a mobile-based digital storytelling in a rural elementary school. International Journal on Digital Learning Technology, 11(1), 51-75. doi:10.3966/2071260X2019011101003】
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