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The Influence of Online One-on-One English Conversation Course on English Major Freshmen's Communicative Competence




Taiwanese government aims to form its nation as a Chinese-English bilingual society by 2030. However, Taiwan is currently an EFL (English as a foreign language) country so people hardly speak English and their English proficiency is weaker than others in most Asia countries. In order to improve people's English communicative competence, the present study employs online learning to plan an English conversation course at a private university in northern Taiwan to assess its influence on English majors' learning of English communication. 136 participants joined this pre-experimental designed research and they were allocated into three groups based on their English performances in the 2019 TVE (technological & vocational education) joint college entrance examination. Except for the face-on-face teaching and learning activities at school, participants had to take 16 online courses in order to train their English communicative ability with foreign teachers one-on-one. The research data was collected from participants' pre-test and post-test scores as well as a questionnaire survey. The paired sample t test result shows that there is an overall significant difference between participants' pre-test and post-test scores, which means participants' English communicative competence is certainly improved because of the online one-on-one English conversation course. In addition, the questionnaire outcome demonstrates that participants have a positive attitude toward the course design and they are willing to learn online in the future. Furthermore, the researcher additionally finds that participants who originally have weaker learning achievements on English have an even greater learning result and a stronger positive attitude toward online one-on-one learning than those who initially have relatively better learning achievements.


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