  • 期刊


A Comparison in Multicultural Education on Principal's Perception of Senior High School Between Taiwan and Canada From TALIS 2018


學校已經逐漸呈現國際化的現象,面對各種文化或族群背景的學生,所採取的政策與措施就值得關注。本研究以經濟合作暨發展組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)辦理的2018年「教學與學習國際調查」(Teaching and Learning International Survey, TALIS)數據資料進行分析,以高中校長問卷中「多元環境下的辦學」層面之題目來瞭解臺灣與不同國家之現況與差異。研究結果發現,在學校實行有關多元背景的政策與措施的8個項目中有「支持可鼓勵學生展現多元族群與文化認同的活動或組織(例如:藝術團體)」、「教導學生如何處理族群與文化歧視」、「教導學生包容社經背景的差異」、「防止性別歧視的具體政策」、「防止社經歧視的具體政策」以及「提供弱勢學生額外支援」等6項的實行百分比臺灣高於加拿大,進行假設檢定後p < .001具顯著性,表示臺灣高中校長知覺學校實行有關多元背景的政策與措施明顯高於其他國家,足見臺灣校長具有多元文化教育理念和重視營造學校多元環境,但在知覺教師對於多元背景相關敘述則皆屬較低情況,從校長觀點教師在多元文化相關認知與教導上仍有努力的空間,並根據數據分析結果提出能符應十二年國民基本教育課程綱要總綱之作為及參考方向。


Students from all over the world is an international phenomenon. To establish a diverse environment in school and keep attention on policies and measures adopted is important. This study analyzed data from Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) 2018 between Taiwan and Canada. To analyze the results from "schooling in diverse environments" of principal questionnaire and understand multicultural education situation on principal's perception in senior high school. Our results indicated that, with policies and practices to diversity backgrounds, Taiwan has a higher percentage in six out of eight programs than Canada. Its significant value is p < .001 after the hypothesis test. "Teachers would agree with the statement 'response to the diversity of students' background is important'." is the only one program that Taiwan has lower percentage than Canada. This study proves Taiwan is significantly higher than Canada about policies and practices to diversity backgrounds on principal's perception in senior high school. It shows that the principals have a multicultural education philosophy and establish a diverse school environment in Taiwan, but teachers still need to improve their knowledge and teaching of multiculturalism. Finally, this study suggests some possible directions to respond General Curriculum Guidelines of 12-year Basic Education.


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