  • 期刊


Opportunities for Educational Research: A Systematic Review of the Global TALIS Literature


本研究針對2008年至2021年間Web of Science(WoS)資料庫中關於教學與學習國際調查(Teaching and Learning International Survey, TALIS)的90篇學術論文以及臺灣20篇學術期刊文章進行量化與文件分析法進行深入地系統性回顧,提出臺灣教育研究與國際學術鏈結的契機。本研究系統且嚴謹地釐清以TALIS資料庫進行之研究的發展情形、核心著作以及整體的知識架構的可視化,並具體提出研究熱點與研究前沿變化。研究發現:(1)以文獻書目耦合(bibliographic coupling)分析可將90篇文獻分成五個集群,分別是教師自我效能感及工作滿意度、跨國背景下教師自我效能感、領導與教學實踐、校長領導與分布式領導以及資訊與通訊科技(information and communications technology, ICT)在教學上的運用;以關鍵詞共現分析(co-occurrence)為教學實踐、學校領導、教師自我效能感、教師專業發展以及工作滿意度等五個集群;(2)TALIS研究依時間可分成三個階段,各時期研究重點不同;(3)教師自我效能感以及專業發展一直以來都是TALIS研究的熱門話題,同時大部分相關研究都是以自變項和依變項的方式進行討論;(4)臺灣學術期刊之TALIS相關研究傾向教學與領導。對照國際趨勢為學校氣氛、教師壓力以及工作倦怠等主題,建議學者可以從上述新興主題入手,但須就現況、歷史背景與研究目的、研究問題之銜接進行深入描述。


This study conducts systematic review and qualitative analysis on 90 journal articles from Web of Science (WoS) database from 2008 to 2021 and 20 Taiwan academic journal articles. We systematically and rigorously clarify the development of research conducted on the Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) database, the visualization of core article and the overall knowledge structure. The findings are as follows: (1) Document bibliographic coupling analysis generates five clusters, namely teacher self-efficacy, leadership and teaching practice, principal leadership and distributed leadership and application of ICT in teaching. Five clusters from keywords co-occurrence are teaching practice, school leadership, teacher self-efficacy, professional development, and job satisfaction; (2) The development of international TALIS research comprises of three stages with various focus of importance; (3) Teacher self-efficacy and professional development have long been a hot topic in TALIS research, and most of the research has been conducted in the form of both independent and dependent variables; (4) Regarding the focus of Taiwan research, teaching and leadership draw the most attention. The results suggest that future study may conduct research on topics as school climates, teacher pressure and burnout with TALIS database. Such studies are suggested to make an in-depth description of the current situation and the historical background, to clarify the importance of research purpose and the research question.


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