  • 會議論文





舞蹈 表演藝術 創造性傾向 唐詩


This study aims to investigate promotion of creative tendency in junior high school students by applying Tang poetry to self-made dancing arts courses, and employ the effect of stimulus and guidance of Tang poetry to support dancing courses of performing arts. This study mainly adopts pre-experiment research - primarily pre- and post-test for each group - and research instrument "Williams Creative Tendency Scale" to conduct quantitative statistics and analysis with t-test, one-way ancova, and descriptive analysis, in order to figure out whether students' nature of creative tendency is promoted after the practice of "Dancing Courses of Tang Poetry Performing Arts." Subjects of this study are the first grade students of ○○ Junior High School, Kaohsiung, with 30 students in a class. The course has duration of five weeks with one lesson weekly which comes to five lessons in total. Results of the study are as follows: 1. There is no significant difference in creativity tendency between students with different background variables after using Tang poetry in middle school's dancing arts courses. However, there is significant difference in the scores of post-test for "adventure spirit" involved in the Creative Tendency Scale between boys and girls. In the aspect of "adventure spirit" in the Creative Tendency Scale, the adventure propensity in girls is significantly higher than that in boys after performance of the Tang poetry dancing arts courses self-made by the researcher. 2. There is no significant difference between "curiosity" and "adventure spirit" in creativity tendency in students after Tang poetry was introduced to the dancing arts courses in junior high school; but the difference between the level of "challenge intension" and "imagination" is significant, suggesting that the students' "challenge intension" and "imagination" were promoted within a short time due to this teaching project. 3. After incorporating Tang poetry into dancing arts courses in junior high school, students reached significant difference in the total score of creativity tendency, indicating that this pedagogy is feasible and does promote students' creativity tendency. The researchers conducted a discussion based on the results of this study and proposed specific suggestions for future dancing teaching of performing arts and relative researches.


dance performing arts creative tendency Tang poetry
