  • 期刊


From Representation to Acknowledgement - The Narrative Representation of Taiwanese Domestic Workers in Women's Literature during the 1950s


家務勞動幫傭工作在臺灣社會存在已久,尤其是在臺灣近代史重要轉折時期的五0年代,有不少文化背景和社會經濟地位較為優勢的外省女性,將家務勞動工作轉移給經濟較劣勢的臺籍女性。如果我們將性別、階級與族群三者串連所形塑的交切議題,帶入五0年代女性文學研究之中,會發現這些在族群和階級上處於雙重邊緣地位的臺籍女性家務勞動者,往往無法掌握再現機制,必須透過外省籍女作家筆下才得以顯影,某種層面上,外省女作家也提供臺籍家務勞動者介入再現政治的可能。本文借鏡史碧娃克(Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak)所提出之底層論述議題,來探討外省女作家謝冰瑩、葉蟬貞、徐鍾珮、鍾梅音以臺籍家務勞動者為主題的代表性作品,指出以外省女作家作為敘述主體之論述機制問題,並論析其中所牽涉複雜「再現」(representation)性別政治議題。


Domestic work, long part of the social fabric of Taiwan, was particularly prominent during the 1950s, a transformative period in the country's modern history when many relatively affluent émigré women from Mainland China retained relatively poor Taiwanese women as domestic workers. Research on 1950s women's literature from the perspective of the issues of gender, class, and group identity shows that female Taiwanese domestic workers lacked control over representational mechanisms due to their marginalization in terms of group identity and class. Therefore, their portrayal in the literature of this period was necessarily filtered through the perspective of Mainland China émigré authors. Thus it may be considered that these authors interjected Taiwanese domestic workers into the politics of representation. This paper uses the "subaltern studies" perspective of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak to explore several representative writings on Taiwanese domestic workers written by émigré women authors including Ping-ying Hsieh, Ch'an-chen Yeh, Chung-pei Hsu, and Mei-yin Chung. Findings highlight the discourse-mechanism problems associated with having émigré authors as narrative subjects and critique the related and complicated issue of gender representation in politics.


李涓:〈釋「下女」〉,《中華日報》第6版(副刊),1953年1月29 日。
徐鍾珮(1951)。我在臺北。臺北=Taipei:重光文藝出版社=Chongguang Wenyi。
張瑞芬(2007)。臺灣當代女性散文史論。臺北=Taipei:麥田出版社=Rye Field Publishing Co.。
