  • 期刊


Historic Space - Landscape Writing of Suzhou in Li Yu's Qing Zhong Pu




清初蘇州 李玉 清忠譜 地景書寫 周順昌


Li Yu was an early Qing dynasty playwright from Suzhou, whose drama Qing Zhong Pu has always been considered as a current-time drama about the changes of his hometown. The research attempts to explore how the playwright records his hometown affairs and how Suzhou has been written into the play plots. From the point of view of landscape writing, it can be a fictional scene, or where the historical facts occurred, or even only the narrated referents, they all reflect local characteristics fully demonstrate the close relationship between the landscape and the crowd. It is also creates a unique landscape due to the "where the people are" which is attuned to the deeper meaning. For Li, the landscaping writings are cast into the ideas, feelings and culture of the people of Suzhou. They reflect the rise and fall of the history and the changes of people. In addition, they indicate that "all things are characterized according to reality" of Qing Zhong Pu and seek to achieve the motive of "glorify virtue and censure vice" and even break through the limitations of time and space, affecting the moral sentiments and historical reflections of his readers in later generations. This is the author's so-called "historic space", which is also the perspective of this paper has been written from the viewpoint of the landscape, and to revisit the research significance and value of Li Yu's Qing Zhong Pu.


明.周順昌撰,清.周靖編纂:《燼餘集》,收入清.張海鵬輯:《借月山房彙鈔》第16 集第1 冊,臺北:義士書局,1968。[Ming] Zhou Shun Chang [Qing] Zhou Jing, Jin Yu Ji [The Collection of The Remains After Fire] adopted in [Ming] Zhang Hai Peng, Jie Yue Shan Fang Hui Chao [The Compiled Anthology of the Moon-Borrowing Mountain House] 16.1 (Taipei: Yi-Shi Bookstore, 1968).
明.林世遠、王鏊等纂修:《(正德)姑蘇志》,收入北京圖書館古籍出版編輯組編:《北京圖書館古籍珍本叢刊》史部第26-27 冊,北京:書目文獻出版社,1993。
