  • 期刊


Arrogance of Academic Achievement: On Wei Ju Xian and Sun Ci Zhou Competition on Discussing History and Skepticism of Antiquity for Discourse Rights




Wei Ju Xian (1898-1990) graduated from the Tsinghua Academy of Chinese Learning, and Sun Ci Zhou (?-2000) graduated from the Department of Chinese Literature at Peking University in the 1920s. In the academic trend of combining history and archaeology in the early 20th century, they published articles in journals edited by each other. Their bizarre theories were contempt by scholars during the ideological trend of "skepticism of antiquity" time, so there has been little research on their theories and discourses. What individual psychology and academic atmosphere contributed to their academic tendency? What were their contents on discourses, and why did they collide with the field of knowledge at the time? How to challenge the cultural nationalism of other scholars? Therefore, this paper aims to discuss the discourse content and literary character of Wei and Sun via relevant publications and historical materials, and to analyze the significance of their theories that they regarded as heresies in the contest of intellectual discourse in the early Republic of China.


﹝法﹞布迪厄(Pierre Bourdieu)、﹝美﹞華康德(Loic Wacquant)著,李猛、李康譯:《實踐與反思─反思社會學導引》,北京:中央編譯出版社,1998。Pierre Bourdieu & Loic Wacquant, Shi Jian Yu Fan Si-Fan Si She Hui Xue Dao Yin [An Invitation to Reflexive Sociology] trans. by Li Meng & Li Kang, (Beijing: Central Compilation & Translation Press, 1998).
﹝美﹞斯沃茨(David Swartz)著,陶東風譯:《文化與權力:布爾迪厄的社會學》,上海:上海譯文出版社,2006。
﹝德﹞孔拉第(August Conrady)著,衛聚賢、李森合譯:〈戰國時中國所受的印度影響〉,《大學》1:3(1933.10),頁 35-47。
《大公晚報‧學宮彙報》第 1 版,1947 年 1 月 4 日。
