  • 期刊


An Essay about the Spiritual Characteristics of Nautical Writing in Song Poetry Based on the Yoshikawa's Viewpoint of the Different Style between Tang and Song Poetry




Yoshikawa Kojiro appointed that much more good thoughts and worldviews of sublet sorrow existed in Song poetry than Tang poetry. This paper observes that more than 200 Tang Dynasty nautical poems generally induct four writing types of the spiritual characteristic of "sorrow." By choosing 50 poems from 1400 nautical Song poems to analyze, in combination with the poets' writing background, we study the inheritance and transformation of the above four writing types of Tang poetry in Song poetry from the historical perspective and find that these poems not only downplayed and transcended "sorrow," but further included a new feature of "joy." It confirms Yoshikawa's viewpoint and serves as a new path to understanding the Song literati. Moreover, it reveals Song's artistic style and characteristics different from tradition and combined with idle and bold nautical writing of Song poetry.


南朝宋‧劉敬叔:《異苑》,收入《文瀾閣四庫全書》第 1070 冊,杭州:杭州古籍出版社,2015。
南朝梁‧任昉:《述異記》,收入《文瀾閣四庫全書》第 1076 冊,杭州:杭州古籍出版社,2015。
隋‧智顗:《維摩經玄疏》,收入大藏經刊行會編:《大正新修大藏經》第 38 冊,臺北:新文豐出版公司,1983。
宋‧孔平仲:《清江三孔集》,收入《文淵閣四庫全書》第 1345 冊,臺北:臺灣商務印書館,1983。
