  • 期刊


Sima in the The Commentary of Zuo: Discussion on "Office" and "Poem"




左傳 司馬 賦詩 數位人文 精準判斷


Since Sima (office) was responsible for handing and collecting the military taxes approved by a small kingdom, it has a two-way nature. During the spring and Autumn period, many fake coalitions kingdoms collected military taxes to pay all the expenditures. Guests and hosts communicate with the poetry to answer, and things are two-way with Sima, also known as "Fu" or "poetry." As for whether "poetry" is a project endowed by Sima, it has not been discussed. Therefore, this article focuses on The Commentary of Zuo, supplemented by relevant materials to discuss the distribution work of Sima, including the articles to be reported and the rhymed "poetry," which is called "Zhi." In addition, in terms of methods, in addition to numerous texts derived from big data, it is added that the latest use method is the precision ascertain method. First, use detailed practical analysis to establish the primary origin. Then check the literature and plastic the overall frame structure. Finally, make an accurate judgment and return to the original context.


漢‧孔安國傳,唐‧孔穎達等正義:《尚書注疏》,收入清‧阮元校勘:《十三經注疏》第 1 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,2007。[Han] Kong An Guo [Tang] Kong Ying Da, Shang Shu Zhu Shu [Annotations and Commentaries to the Shang Shu] adpt. in [Qing] Ruan Yuan, Shi San Jing Zhu Shu [The Thirteen Classics with Annotations and Sub-commentaries] Vol. 1 (Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Company, 2007).
漢‧毛公傳,鄭元箋,唐‧孔穎達等正義:《毛詩正義》,收入清‧阮元校勘:《十三經注疏》第 2 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,2007。[Han] Mao Gong & Zheng Yuan [Tang] Kong Ying Da, Mao Shi Zheng Yi [Standard Meaning of the Mao Poems] adpt. in [Qing] Ruan Yuan, Shi San Jing Zhu Shu [The Thirteen Classics with Annotations and Sub-commentaries] Vol. 2 (Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Company, 2007).
漢‧何休注,唐‧徐彥疏:《春秋公羊傳注疏》,收入清‧阮元校勘:《十三經注疏》第 7 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,2007。[Han] He Xiu [Tang] Xu Yan, Chun Qiu Gong Yang Zhuan Zhu Shu [Gongyang Commentary of the Spring and Autumn Annals with Commentaries and Annotations] adpt. in [Qing] Ruan Yuan, Shi San Jing Zhu Shu [The Thirteen Classics with Annotations and Sub-commentaries] Vol. 7 (Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Company, 2007).
漢‧杜預注,唐‧陸德明音義,唐‧孔穎達疏:《左傳注疏》,收入清‧阮元校勘:《十三經注疏》第 6 冊,臺北:藝文印書館,2007。[Han] Du Yu [Tang] Lu De Ming [Tang] Kong Ying Da, Zuo Zhuan Zhu Shu [Zuo Zhuan with Commentary and Sub-commentaries] adpt. in [Qing] Ruan Yuan, Shi San Jing Zhu Shu [The Thirteen Classics with Annotations and Sub-commentaries] Vol. 6 (Taipei: Yee Wen Publishing Company, 2007).
