  • 期刊


Zhou-Mi "Juemiaohaoci" Version of the Style and Editor's Choice of the Psychological Attitude




Zhou-mi edited selection of his "Juemiaohaoci" version, according to print and publish content, can be divided into: "the book is only printed works of the poet" and "poets and notes printed with the book," two categories; all seven volumes, a total of 133 selected poet, poetry 391; modern revision notes books, better than the original book has editing to correct errors and clear proof of the function. "Juemiaohaoci" a book, its editor in the Zhou-mi during his lifetime, after entering the Yuan Dynasty; editor's choice of the psychological analysis of his attitudes and ideas, there are three: First, understand the current situation of the national society the feelings of the people of an earlier era; Second, writing poetry in response to each other, revealing mellow and elegant writing style; Third, using poetry to the poet's name handed down, to hold the culture of responsibility. Although he chose poetry standards, by the people after the age of criticism, But he has to take this to the performance characteristics of the late Southern Song style of poetry, the history of poetics can not be missing the key.


宋.周密編,《絕妙好詞》,清世宗雍正3 年(西元1725 年)項氏怡園刊本,臺北:國立故宮博物院圖書文獻館藏
宋.周密輯,清.查為仁、厲鶚箋,《絕妙好詞箋》,清高宗乾隆15 年(西元1750 年)查氏澹宜書屋刻本,臺北:國立故宮博物院圖書文獻館藏
宋.周密輯,清.查為仁、厲鶚箋,《絕妙好詞箋》,清宣宗道光9 年(西元1829年)錢塘徐氏刊本,收入烏山房文庫,臺北:國立臺灣大學圖書館藏
宋.周密輯,清.查為仁、厲鶚箋,《絕妙好詞箋》,清宣宗道光9 年(西元1829年)錢塘徐氏刊本,收入久保文庫,臺北:國立臺灣大學圖書館藏
宋.周密輯,清.查為仁、厲鶚箋,《絕妙好詞箋》,清穆宗同治11 年(西元1872 年)會稽章氏重刊本,臺北:國家圖書館藏
