  • 會議論文


Research on the effectiveness of the impact of the video teaching content design for learning 3D animation software


2002 年政府推動發展「兩兆雙星」產業發展計畫,其中的雙星之一為數位內容產業,時至2010 年政府頒布文化創意產業發展法,可見內容與創意是近年來政府所大力推動的重點產業,因應此一趨勢,國內各大專技職體系紛紛設立數位媒體相關科系,課程的主軸以動畫與遊戲並行發展,這也是台灣文化創意產業的先鋒。為了將創意落實為內容,發展動畫與遊戲需要相關技術的學習與應用,本研究擬以一個專業的技術培育者的角度切入,以3D 動畫的教學方式,人才培育途徑等方向,依搜尋資料、教學實證與拜訪產業,了解產學界對人力培訓形式的落差,討論適合用於3D 動畫軟體教學之影音教學內容,並透過最適化的影音教學提升學生的學習效果,從而降低學生就業時的學用落差,提升人才素質與競爭力。


In 2002, the Government to promote the development of "Two Trillion and Twin Star Development Program" industrial development plan, in which one of Twin Star is digital content industry, then in 2010 the government enacted the "Law for the Development of the Cultural and Creative Industries", In recent years, content and creative industries are the focus of the government to vigorously promote the industry, in response to this trend, domestic technical college have set up digital media design departments, courses in animation and game development in parallel to the spindle, which is the pioneer in Taiwan's cultural and creative industries. In order to implement creative content, the development of learning and application of animation and game needs related art, the present study is intended to a professional technical breeders of the angle, 3D animation in teaching methods, personnel training pathways such as the direction, according to search for information, Teaching Demonstration and visit industrial, academic understanding of manpower training in the form of yield gap, discuss school with appropriate teaching content for 3D animation software, video teaching, and enhance student learning through optimizing audio-visual teaching, thereby reducing time student employment drop, improve personnel quality and competitiveness.
