  • 會議論文


User Experience Analysis of Earthquake Alert Message




地震速報 使用者經驗 KJ法


When an earthquake comes, the general public will be forced to accept the earthquake alert message sent by the government. However, the construction of this earthquake alert message is not designed from the perspective of the receiving user, that is, the end user. In this study, the subjects filled in the earthquake related experience questionnaire and the KJ method, were used to collect users' thoughts on the construction of earthquake alert message. The results show that: (1) The earthquake alert message can only display "the earthquake magnitude of the receiver's location" (2) "Interface design" should be imported into the earthquake alert app (3) "Earthquake scale" and "earthquake center location" can be displayed in real time, However, it should not appear in the earthquake alert app at the same time as "earthquake magnitude of the receiver's location" (4) "Nearest refuge" information should also be included in the earthquake alert app. This study shows that the earthquake alert message needs to cooperate with earthquake alert app to create a complete "earthquake alert information system" in order to meet the needs of the end users receiving the information in the earthquake disaster environment.


Earthquake alert User Experience KJ method
