  • 會議論文


A Study on Augmented Reality Assist Boardgame Information Representation


自擴增實境手遊寶可夢上市後,擴增實境(Augmented Reality, AR)與虛擬實境(Virtual Reality, VR)開始受到大眾的注意,許多研究指出,AR加入桌遊增添了遊戲本身的趣味性與遊玩性,然而AR要從哪個部份融入桌遊中最為合適,還需要更多的研究加以探討;因此為瞭解以上問題,探討不同的AR在桌遊中的產生的效果,針對桌遊調查可使用AR呈現的行動操作,以擲骰以及移動道具兩個動作,將其套用至合適的桌遊《星際寶衛戰》進行AR的呈現設計及驗證。結果得出在桌遊中的移動指示使用箭頭指示的AR呈現,有清楚的方向性指引,能夠讓受測者在遊戲中更容易理解與達成目標;而桌遊中的數量提示上使用圖像提示更直觀且容易理解,故擲骰環節中受測者更偏好使用圖像提示的AR呈現。


Since the advent of Augmented Reality mobile game Pokémon Go, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies have captured the attention of the public, In recent years, many researchers have pointed out that Augmented Reality can increase board game make the game more interesting and playability, however which part of the Augmented Reality is the most suitable part to start the integration, more empirical researches are needed to be investigated; In order to understand the above issues and investigate the influence of experimental evidence in different Augmented Reality with board games, we refers other scholars' research to apply two playing actions: Dice rolling and moving components, to suitable board games with priority and design the Augmented Reality playing action. The final verification result has demonstrated that moving components using AR presentation indicated by the arrow has clear directional guidance, which can make it easier for the subjects to understand and achieve the goal in the game; and number reminders using image design in the board game are more intuitive and easy to understand, so the testees more prefer to use the AR presentation of the image reminders in the dice rolling action.
