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Status and Development of International Terrorism and its Prevention Strategies


近來全球各國飽受恐怖攻擊危害與威脅,國際恐怖主義極端化發展趨勢已令人憂心,東南亞國家雖未捲入赤色風暴,但仍無可避免的受到池魚之殃,讓反恐議題儼然成為威脅全球安全與人類生存的重要課題。綜此,本文爰以系統化呈現恐怖主義及恐怖活動的內涵與現況,並將恐怖主義發展歷程區分為「孕育期(Incubation period)」、「茁壯期(thriving period)」、「挫敗期(defeated period)」、「擴散期(Diffusion period)」等4個時期;另針對危害西方國家最烈的「孤狼式恐怖主義」詳予介紹,包括對名詞意涵、形成原因、行為特殊模式等深入剖析,最後綜整提出策略與行動建言。


In recent years, the world has been plagued badly by terrorist attacks and also been afraid of an extremely-developing international terrorism. Southeast Asian countries, which has not deeply involved in this terrible storm yet, still had been affected inevitably, so bring the issue of anti-terrorism into dimension of major subjects which causing threats to global safety and human existence. Thus, this paper presents a systematic structure of inner meaning and present conditions of terrorism and terrorist activities, also divides its evolution process into 3 periods, including incubation period, thriving period, defeated period and diffusion period. Besides, this study also presents a detailed introduction about the "terrorism of lonely-wolf", a special type of terrorism which hazards western countries most deadly, including its meaning, causes, behavior patterns and other special in-depth analysis, and draw the strategies and action suggestions up at last.


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