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Study on the Relationships between the Behavioral Patterns of Drugs Abuse and Crime for the Illicit Drugs Abusers




The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between the behavior pattern of drugs abuse and crime for the illicit drug abusers. The data adopted from those data base created by the author at 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009, and 2010. The main findings were as the followings: Majority of these samples is heroin and amphetamines poly-drug users, especially for female, and HIV/AID abusers Amphetamines, cannabis, ecstasy, FM2, Ketamine, cocaine are the most popular illicit drugs that mixed with heroin had been used. Within the male sample, 25% of them are categorized as single drug user, and 75% of them are categorized as poly-drug users; in contrast, 91.8% of female sample are categorized as poly-drug users. Female and poly-drug abusers spend more money to buy drugs. The drug abuser used to commit into the offence of larceny, forging instruments or seals, fraud, against the Controlling guns, ammunition and knives Act, embezzlement, against the Narcotics Act, stolen properties after they involved into drug abuse. About 45% of females and 25% of males involved into drug dealing. Poly-drug users are younger, earlier than those single drug users in the age of first time drug used and had been arrested. They tend to have more crime records and use more substances. There are 45.5% of male and 15.3% of female drug abusers and 58% of poly-drug users committed into the violent offence. Those for whom crime preceded drug use have more committed into those violent offence and non-violent offence. The drug abuser who had been earlier arrested, had earlier used the control drugs, had been highly addicted in gambling, used more numbers of B-class control drugs, and had longer illicit drug use history, can explain significantly about 7.4% of the variances of non-violent offence. The drug abusers who are the elder ages, are earlier arrested, their job more unstable, have higher social status, are more addicted in gambling, used more numbers of B-categorize control drugs, and they are shorter drug use interval can explain significantly about 21.4% of the variances of violent crime. The implications of this study for drug abuse and crime prevention will be discussed.


李執中譯 (2018) 犯罪心理學。台北 : 華都文化事業有限公司。
法務部 (2016) 出版 2015 年犯罪狀況及其分析台北 :法務部。
法務部網站 (2018),http://www.moj.gov.tw
林瑞欽、黃秀瑄、與江振亨(2004)海洛因與安非他命用藥者用藥信念、再用藥意向與犯罪行為之比較研究。2004年12月3-4日桃園中央警察大學:2004 年亞太地區犯罪問題與對策研討會。中華民國犯罪學會、與中華民國矯正協會、中央警察大學。
