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Effect of Varied Photoperiodism on the Larval Development, Adult Emergence and Fecundity of the Rice Moth Corcyra cephalonica (Stainton), at Varying Temperature (Gelechiidae: Lepidoptera)


於日溫28±1℃、夜溫20±1℃及不同光週期 (L:D=24:0, 20:4, 18:6, 16:8, 14:10, 12:12, 10:14, 8:16, 0:24) 飼養時,外米綴蛾 (Corcyra cephalonica Stainton) 成蟲羽化期之分布,以16L:8D及18L:6D二組最近接常態分,20L:4D組有較明顯之高峰,24LL與24DD 組有延遲現象。除24LL與24DD二組外,羽化期分布之集中程度隨黑暗期之增加而遞減,且發育延遲。雄蟲之平均羽化期,以18L:6D組織67.6日為最短,24DD組最長。雌蟲之平均羽化期以18L:6D的73.4日最短,以24DD組最長。黑暗期短於6小時的條件下,平均羽化期有隨黑暗期延長而縮短之趨勢,黑暗期長於6小時的條件下,8L:16D組外,平均羽化期隨黑暗期之增加而延長。就成蟲羽化日週律而言,雄蟲除20L:4D組之日羽化高峰仍在照光期外,其餘各組之日羽化高峰均在熄燈前後2-3小時。雌蟲除20L:4D之日羽化高峰仍在照光期外,其餘各組之日羽化高峰均在熄燈後4小時,且成蟲羽化日週律受溫度下降之影響較大,故變溫下各光週期之日羽化高峰均較定溫者集中。育成率以24DD組的10.8%最低,16L:8D組的42.0%最高,且在18L:6D至8L:16D六組間,有隨黑暗期增長而降低之趨勢。平均產卵數及產卵期與黑暗期之長短無一定之趨勢。平均產卵數以24DD組的256.3粒最低,18L:6D組的530.2粒最高。平均產卵期以10L:14D組的5.1日最短,20L:4D組及16L:8D組的7.9日最長。每日之內在增殖率(γ)及終極瞬間增殖率(λ)以18L:6D組之0.12429與1.15928最高。除10L:14D組之外,在變溫下之各光週期處理組的內在增殖率及終極瞬間增殖率均大於定溫下的各處理組。故日溫28±1℃、夜溫20±1℃。與80±5%R. H. 下,以18L:6D組為大量飼育外米綴蛾時可推薦使用的處理。


The objective of our work was to find the optimum photoperiod for larval development, adult emergence and fecundity of the rice moth, Corcyra cephalonica, to abbreviate the period of collection of moths during mass production of the egg parasitioid Trichogramma ostriniae. The rice moth was reared with varied photoperiods (L:D=24:0, 20:4, 18:6, 16:8, 14:10, 12:12, 10:14, 8:16, and 0:24) at varying temperature, such that the temperatures of photophase and scotophase were adjusted to 28±1℃ and 20±1℃ respectively. The adult emergences under 16L:8D and 18L:6D had nearly a normal distribution. A significant peak of emergence was observed at 20L:4D, whereas those of 24LL and 24DD occurred with much delay. The appearance of emergence peaks became insignificant gradually when the scotophase was extended, and so were larval and pupal development. The mean duration from egg inoculation to adult emergence was least (67.6 days) under 18L:6D and greatest under 24DD for males, and were least (73.4 days) and greatest under 18L:6D and 24DD, respectively, for the females. In the range of 0~6 hours of scotophase, the duration was least with prolonged scotophase. Except for photoperiodism of 20L:4D, male moth emergence concentrated within 2~3 h about the beginning of the dark period and that of female moth concentrated within 4 h after extinguishing the light. Decreasd temperature had a greater effect on the emergence rhythm. A small fraction of adult emergence (10.8%) was found for moths reared under the photoperiodism 24DD, whereas the greatest fraction (42.0%) was observed for those reared under 16L:8D. There was a tendency that the longer the scotophase, the smaller was the adult emergence. The correlation between length of scotophase and the number of eggs deposited per female or oviposition period was insignificant. The least fecundity (256.3 eggs/♀) was found for females from 24DD, whereas the grearest (530.2 eggs/♀) was from 18L:6D. The oviposition periods of females from 10L:14D (5.1 days) was shorter than those from 20L:4D and 16L:8D (7.9 days). The intrinstic rate of natural increase (r) and finite rate of increase (λ) were calculated for each treatment. The greatest values of r andλwere found under 18L:6D; they were 0.12429 and 1.15928, respectively. In conclusion, the optimum photoperiod for mass rearing of the rice moth is 18L:6D at 28℃ for the photophase and 20℃ for the scotophase.
