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溫度對銀葉粉蝨(Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring)發育與繁殖之影響及其在聖誕紅上之發生

Effect of Temperature on the Development and Reproduction of Silverleaf Whitefly (Bemisia argentifolii Bellows & Perring) and Its Population Fluctuation on Poinsettia


在15-35℃不同定溫下以聖誕紅飼育銀葉粉蝨(Bemisia argentifoii Bellows & Perring),由卵發育至成蟲的存活率以25℃及28℃最高,分別為94.5%及94.3%。各發育期所需日數,隨溫度升高而縮短,惟超過28℃時發育期有增長的趨勢。由直線回歸方程式估算各蟲期的發育臨界溫度,卵為12.7℃;一齡為14.8℃;二齡為10.4℃;三齡為3.8℃;四齡17.0℃。各蟲期發育有效積溫:卵為111.1日度;一齡為62.5日度;二齡為71.4日度;三齡為142.8日度;四齡為30日度,卵發育至成蟲為333.3日度。在溫度28℃時成蟲壽命最長平均可活21.4日,繁殖力最大平均每雌產卵193.2粒。1993-1995年在溫室內調查其族群密度變動情形,發現每年10月族群密度開始上升,至翌年3-4月為最高峰,而以5-9月間密度較低,在溫度20-28℃其族群密度普遍較高。埔里設施內的族群在1993年1-6月平均密度均低,7-9月較高,1994年則相反。


銀葉粉蝨 發育 繁殖力 聖誕紅


The silverleaf whitefly, Bemisia argentifollii Bellows & Perring, was reared on poinsettia under various constant temperatures. The highest survival probability from egg to adult were observed at 25℃ (94.5%) and 28℃ (94.3%). Developmental period decreased as the temperatures rised from 20℃ to 28℃. The low temperature thresholds for the development of egg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instar nymphs were 12.7, 14.8, 10.4, 3.8, and 17℃, respectively. The effective accumulated temperatures of egg, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th instar nymphs were 111.1, 62.5, 71.4, 142.8, and 30 day-degrees, respectively. It required 333.3 day-degrees for the development from egg to adult. The highest fecundity (193.2 eggs) and longevity (21.4 days) were observed at 28℃. The population densities of B. argentifolii on potted poinsettia in green house at Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute from 1993 to 1995 were higher from October to April and lower from May to September. The densities of whitefly at Puli in 1993 were low from January to July, and high from July to September, while they were high from January to May and low from July to December in 1994.


