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A Synopsis of the Firefly Fauna at Six National Parks in Taiwan (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)




A survey on the firefly fauna of six national parks in Taiwan was conducted from February 1996 to December 1997. At least 45 species of fireflies were recorded from six national parks, including 3 doubtful species and 28 newly recorded species, among which the taxonomic status of 9 species remained uncertain. There were 25, 20, 17, 16, 14, and 2 species each recorded from Yushan, Kenting, Yangmingshan, Shei-Pa, Taroko, and Kinmen National Parks respectively. Spatial and temporal distributions of those 45 species of fireflies were formulated and analyzed. Spatial analysis reveals a correlation between vertical and horizonal distributions. Most species restricted to central and north-central Taiwan are found in montane areas (1500-2500 m); locally distributed species appear in foothills (lower than 500 m); and widly distributed species can usually be found on foothills and submontane areas (0-1500 m) although the upper limits varied. Temporal distributions of emerging periods show two major peaks appearing in late spring and early autumn to winter. Adults of most species of Luciolinae, Psilocladinae, Ototretinae, and diurnal and diurnal-nocturnal Lampyrinae species appear from late spring to summer, and some extend to autumn. The nocturnal Lampyrinae species are found mainly from late autumn to winter. Emerging periods have profound correlation with subfamily- or genus-level taxa. The present patterns of spatial distribution were shaped by geological and various environmental factors. Humidity of microhabitat is probably the most important factor that affects both the immature stages of fireflies and their prey, and is influenced indirectly by vegetation. Preliminary analysis of zoogeographic elements of fireflies in Taiwan shows that the Upper- and Lower-Indochinese factors are the most important elements, while the Upper-Manchurian and Philippine factors are insignificant.


Wu, C. H. (2010). 黑翅螢之生物學與保育研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2010.00478
