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芥子油與圓筒型黏膠式誘蟲器對黃條葉蚤(Phyllotreta striolata)(鞘翅目:金花蟲科)之誘引性

Influence of Cylinder-type Sticky Traps Baited with Different Mustard Oil Lures on Phyllotreta striolata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)


試驗顯示芥子油(mustard oil)對黃條葉蚤(Phyllotreta striolata(Fab.))具誘引效果,以蠟油調配不同濃度芥子油,將其裝載於5 ml PVC塑膠瓶(直徑2 cm、高2.5 cm、厚0.8 mm)中,可控制芥子油之揮發速率,平均每日揮發量約在11-26 mg對黃條葉蚤較具誘蟲活性,而不同溫度亦會影響芥子油之揮發速率,10%芥子油配方於溫度每升高1°C,每日揮發量約增加0.84 Mg。於十字花科菜園中,以圓筒型黏膠式誘蟲器誘捕之黃條葉蚤多分佈在誘蟲器之下層,佔61.5%。誘蟲器設置高度以放置地面(0 cm者)對黃條葉蚤之誘捕效率較距地面30、60、90 cm者為佳,田間誘蟲試驗結果顯示其誘蟲百分率為62.4%。不同顏色立圓筒型黏膠式誘蟲器對黃條葉蚤之誘捕力,以黃色、白色及藍色較佳,紅色、透明無色及綠色則較差;誘蟲器透明與否對誘捕力無影響。於田間誘蟲試驗檢定不同直徑、長度的圓筒型黏膠誘蟲器對黃條葉蚤之誘捕試驗,結果均顯示不論直徑及長度大小,隨著直徑、長度增大,誘蟲器對黃條葉蚤的誘捕效率亦增加。


芥子油 黃條葉蚤 誘蟲器


Experimental results showed that striped flea beetle (SFB), Phyllotreta striolata (Fab.)was attracted by mustard oil. The release rate of mustard oil differed at different concentrations of mustard oil mixed with liquid paraffin in 5-ml PVC plastic vials (diameter 2 cm, height 2.5 cm), and daily release doses of mustard oil ranging from 11 to 26 mg were more attractive to SFB. Temperature also affected the release rate of mustard oil. The release dose of 10% mustard oil increased to 0.84 mg/d as temperature rose 1°C. In a crucifer field, most captured SFB (61.5%) in white cylinder traps were distributed on the lower sticky board. The trapping efficiency of traps placed on the ground was better than those of traps placed 30, 60, and 90 cm above ground, and the trapping efficiency was 62.4% in the field test. Cylinder traps of yellow, white, and blue color had better trapping efficiencies than those which were red, transparent, or green. The transparency of the trap had no influence on trapping efficiency. As the length and diameter of the cylinder trap increased, trapping efficiency improved.
