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Electronic monitoring as a means of combating crime- Consideration of German law-


我國現行電子監控制度僅針對性侵犯。德國於2000 年在法蘭克福地區首先將電子監控適用於刑事司法領域,然而僅為實務上的操作。2009 年7 月29 日德國第一次將電子監控制度法制化是巴登.符騰堡邦。因應2009 年12月17 日歐洲人權法院針對「不定期之保安監禁」違反歐洲人權公約,2010年10 月5 日修正了德國刑法第68b 條,第一次將「電子監控(Elektronische Überwachung)納入刑事制裁手段。2017 年德國甚至立法,將有再犯危險之嫌疑人予以電子監控。起因於2016 年底德國發生恐怖份子開車衝撞聖誔市集的事件,德國也立法要求,有可能的恐怖份子佩帶電子腳鐐。然而,現行探討電子監控之論述多為實務運作上之探討,側重於犯罪學層面之論述,法律層面之探討可說是付之闕如,本文除了針對電子監控演進的歷程以及在犯罪學上所遭遇的相關議題加以論述,重點將著重於在法律上的定位與建議,例如電子監控到底是當成「轉向處分」一種,還是「羈押的替代措施」,或是作為「確保刑事執行之特殊措施」,上述問題,在層次上,須先釐清法律上之定位,才可進一步的確認相關之執行方式或法律保留的密度,牽涉整個刑事制裁體系以及強制處分的定位,須全盤檢討我國現行刑事實體法與刑事程序法。本文先從德國電子監控之立法發展,再探究電子監控的定位,究竟是自由刑之替代措施還是屬另一種刑事制裁,最後再評估其刑事政策上的優缺點,最後給予臺灣未來立法之借鏡。


Taiwan's current Electronic monitoring system is only for sexual assault. Germany first applied electronic surveillance to the criminal justice field in the Frankfurt area in 2000, but only for practical operations. On July 29, 2009, Germany legalized the electronic surveillance system for the first time in Baden-Württemberg. In response to the violation of the European Convention on Human Rights by the European Court of Human Rights on 17 December 2009 on "unscheduled security imprisonment", on October 5, 2010, Article 68b of the German Criminal Code was amended, and for the first time "Elektronische Überwachung" was included in the criminal case. Sanctions. In 2017, Germany even legislated to have electronic surveillance of suspects who were in danger of recidivism. Due to the terrorist attacks in Germany at the end of 2016, the Germans also required legislation to allow terrorists to wear electronic ankles. However, the current discussion on electronic monitoring is mostly a discussion of practical operations, focusing on the criminological level of discussion. The discussion of the legal level can be said to be in vain. In addition to the history of electronic monitoring and the criminology The relevant issues will be discussed. The focus will be on legal positioning and recommendations. For example, whether electronic surveillance is regarded as a "Diversion" or "alternative measure of detention" or as a "special measure to ensure criminal enforcement", At the above-mentioned level, at the level, the legal position must be clarified before further confirmation of the relevant enforcement methods or the density of legal reservations, the entire criminal sanctions system and the positioning of mandatory sanctions, and a comprehensive review of Taiwan's current criminal substantive law and Criminal Procedure Law. This article first from the development of German electronic surveillance legislation, and then explore the positioning of electronic surveillance, whether it is an alternative to punishment against liberty or another criminal sanctions, and finally evaluate its advantages and disadvantages in criminal policy, and finally give Taiwan a future directive.
