  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


A Study on the Violence Risk Factors and Risk Assessment Tools of Stalking Cases




Stalking has existed since ancient times, it has been a great hazard to the personal safety of victims. However, it was not until 1990 that the international community formulated the world's first law on stalking prevention in California, which has since expanded to US states and other countries. In Taiwan, the draft of "Anti-Stalking Law" is still under legislative research. However, in response to expectations from the society, the National Police Agency of Ministry of the Interior issued "The Anti-Stalking Police Program" on June 14, 2019 for the preparation of the special law. However, it is worth noting that there are many differences between the characteristics of stalking cases and general violence cases. In order to fulfill legislative purpose of protecting victims by the special law, law enforcement strategy should be different from strategy for general crimes. In the prevention of gender-based violence, if we want to control or deal with the offender's violence, we must first grasp the characteristics of the perpetrators, analyze the risk factors and assessment tools, before we conduct subsequent risk control and treatment programs. However, in light of the international society's vigorous research and practical application of risk assessment tools for stalking cases, Taiwan's research on risk assessment tools and law enforcement strategies for stalking are extremely lacking. This article intends to make up for the deficiency. The elements of stalking behavior, types of stalkers, assessment tools for violence risk of stalkers, and law enforcement strategies will be explored in this paper. The author wish to deliver some advices to law enforcement agencies in deal with such cases.
