  • 期刊


Development of Cross - strait Federal System from the Views of Dr. Sun Yet-sen


兩岸關係一直以來是學術界重要課題。本文嘗試從中山先生有關中國五千年帝制結束後,這個東亞大國未來發展藍圖的見解,論述當前兩岸的重要發展方向。本文從中山先生的若干聯邦觀點,探討中山先生對於中國發展的構想。從研究中吾人可以看出中山先生在民國成立前、後,對於「聯邦制」採取高度支持,其後野心軍閥之「省憲運動」,讓中山先生對「聯省自治」大力抨擊,此後雖沒有再直言「聯邦制」,但民國十年到十三年的中山先生諸多論述,仍不斷重複強調「制定省憲」、「自選省長」,而「省憲」正是「聯邦制」最大特徵。兩岸分裂分治即將邁入七十年,兩岸何去何從更值吾人深思。一九八○年以後,兩岸都從過去之軍事(武力)統一中國,走向和平統一中國的手段,本文也將就此析論兩岸高層的和平統一方法與主張。同時認為兩岸既然都主張採取和平統一的途徑,乃進一步探討大陸數十年來發展的優勢與若干困境,這將有助於大膽論述兩岸「合則兩利」和平進程之有利契機。本文就2000 年以來兩岸、兩黨互動經驗,尤以馬英九八年主政下,兩岸前所未有的交流互動寶貴經驗和成果,分析兩岸炎黃子孫由交流互惠、互助合作,由「大屋頂中國」觀點,進而協商統一的可能性與作為。對於兩岸統合觀點下的「大屋頂中國」概念,聯邦制實亦屬之,本文就嚴家其「聯邦中國構想」具體主張加以評介,期激發識者未來兩岸若然採行聯邦制之方法與途徑。本文無任何具體結論,旨在於提供一個議題、一個方向,讓兩岸能結合在中山先生「人類求生存、互助同進步」精神下,建立一個嶄新中國。


Cross-strait relations have always been an important subject in academia. This article tries to discuss the important development direction of the current cross-strait relations from Dr. Sun Yat-sen's view of the future development of the East Asian powers after the completion of the five thousand years of imperialism in China. This paper discusses Dr. Sun's concept of China's development from a number of federal views. From the study, we can see that Dr. Sun highly supported the "federal system" before and after the establishment of the Republic of China. Dr. Sun has criticized fiercely on the "provincial autonomy" due to the ambitious warlords’ "provincial constitutional movement". Though no more speaking of "federalism", many writings and arguments of Dr. Sun during 1920-1923 still continued to repeatedly stress "the development of the provincial constitution", "self-elected governor", and "provincial constitution" is the main feature of the "federal system". Cross-strait division is about to enter seventy years. Its future direction is worthy of thinking. Since 1980, the unification of China by force (military) has changed to by peaceful means. This article analyzes the methods and proposals for cross-strait peaceful reunification. Since both sides have advocated the approach of peaceful reunification, we will further explore the advantages and difficulties of the development in the Mainland in the past decades. This will help to discuss the favorable opportunity of the "two-pronged" peace process. This article analyzes the experiences and achievements of cross-strait exchanges under President Ma’s administration and analyzes the possibility and actions for unification negotiation from the viewpoint of "Big Roof Concept of China". The federal system is indeed quite similar to the concept of "big roof of China". In this paper, we will comment on the specific ideas of Yan Jiaqi's "Federal China Concept", and stimulate the way and approach for adopting the federal system. This article has no specific conclusions, it aims to provide a topic, a direction, so that the two sides can be integrated under Dr. Sun’s "human survival, mutual assistance and progress" spirit, to create a new China.


