  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Current Situation and Development of Labor Cooperatives in Taiwan




The humanized work patterns lay the basis for sustainable development of labor force. But the existence of Class of the traditional employers-employee relationship is the principal source of domination and control for labors all the time. With the development of globalization and digital technology, the class has strengthened power to control labor's work and life. To counter this unequal affiliation, it is no longer to confront the ever-changing global economic environment if we only depend on government policies and regulations to protect labor. Facing the problem of "political or economic poverty" arising from the liberalization of capitalist society in the 21st century, what we urgently need is a viable economic plan as a supplement or parallel mechanism. The active and effective participation of citizens and the third sector will be the key operations. The models of labor cooperatives are different from traditional employers-employee relationship. Members of Labor cooperatives are also labors. They have to work hard to satisfy their needs and the identity of managers will make them consider of more ideas, responsibilities and social care. Supporting the existence of labor cooperatives doesn't mean to replace other models of employment in the society. It just emphasizes the purpose on sharing and gathering idle human resources, using social networks to reach communities, so that labors can have diverse opportunities to start an undertaking and jobs in competitive market.


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