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Study on Causal Links Between Local Governments' Behavior of Land Expropriation and Land Finance in China: Perspectives from Finance Decentralization, Local Competition and Performance Evaluation Pressure




Chinese government has been the illegal subject of land expropriation, which causes peasants' collective behavior of protecting their rights. Local governments play multiple roles in the process of land expropriation with the characteristics of contradiction, such as rule maker, supervisor, punisher, decision-maker, enforcer, and management target. To explain this phenomenon, this paper, based on three axis including financial decentralization due to finance decentralization, local competition, and performance evaluation press, explained the structural factors behind governments' abnormal land expropriation. This paper concluded that the dual deficiencies of transfer effect of tax assignment reforms and fiscal payment policy have deepened the fiscal pressure of local governments. Local competition is centered by GDP growth, which involves local economic growth and fiscal income. All of these indicators are closely related to officials' political promotion. Therefore, local officials use land finance to support their performance by expropriation in low cost and sale in high price so as to extract the differences as main local fiscal income. This income is also used in public infrastructure in order to entice foreign investment for economic growth purposes, which strengthen their future promotion competition in political career. In short, local governments play multiple roles in land expropriation, such as market player, public manager, and the contradictory roles of player and referee. These multiple tasks enable local government to maximize their business and political interests, which are the roots of violation and contradiction of the land expropriation.


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