  • 期刊


A Study on the Diplomatic Transformation of Modern China: Taking the Modern Customs of China as an Example (1854-1949)




海關 關稅 中國近代 晚清外交 中國海關


This study concerns China's foreign affairs related to customs from the establishment of China's modern customs (1854) to the end of it (1949). Past studies have mostly focused on individuals, events, or imperialist aggression as the main perspective, and the materials are limited. The materials are mainly based on foreign diplomatic archives (mainly in the United Kingdom and the United States), Chinese diplomatic archives compiled and published, and customs completed the data. This research will use the Chinese diplomatic archives in recent history to re-explore the context of the time and discuss the transition process of modern Chinese diplomacy with the focus on China's modern customs. During the Westernization Movement in China, the General Taxation Department of Customs served as a member of the Prime Minister's Office. On the importance of customs affairs itself, tariff rate affects the commercial interests of the great powers in China, in addition to affecting government revenue. Finally, previous studies on customs diplomacy have been discussed from Hurd's personal perspective. Based on the above, customs and modern China's diplomacy are inextricably linked, and it is difficult to predict whether China's "long modern era" will continue. But what is certain is that the time has come for China to look forward after breaking free from the shackles of modern times.


馬士,《中華帝國對外關係史》(International Relations of the Chinese Empire)(上海:上海書店出版社,2000),第三卷,頁 425。
陳詩啟,〈以總稅務司職位的爭奪看中國近代海關的作用〉,收入《從明代官手工業到中國近代海關史研究》(廈門:廈門大學出版社,2004),頁 326。
費正清(John King Fairbank)著;牛貫杰譯,《中國沿海的貿易與外交》(Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast)(山西:山西人民出版社,2021),頁 5-13。
