  • 期刊


The Grammar of Japanese Animated TV Series: On the Historical Contexts and the Artistic Forms of Limited Animation




Contemporary and Japanese animated TV series are mainly constructed by so-called limited animation. The phrase "limited animation" often causes the misunderstanding that "limited" means restriction or insufficiency. But through observing the historical development process and performance of animated TV series in Anime, limited animation is actually a different approach of technology and style, and is rich in special artistic forms and narrative aesthetics. This essay first elaborates how Japanese animated TV series tells stories and expresses emotions with limited animation since Osamu Tezuka's Astro Boy in 1963. Then, it illustrates the cultural inheritance and artistic influence among limited animation, Manga and Japanese traditional storytelling form -kamishibai. Finally, it analyzes how limited animation tells stories and creates illusion of movement by still images, flat-compositing, Montage, camera movement, sound effects, and comics skills. This essay ends with a suggestion that we could use the phrase "limited-movement animation" in stead of "limited animation." The phrase "limited-movement animation" corresponds more with the attitude and aesthetic style while Japanese animated TV series arranging the dynamic movement. Hopefully, by the modification of one phrase, we could alter the conception and interpretation about this kind of artistic form; furthermore, from a broader point of view, to reinspect its special context and presentation in the development of aniamted art history.
