  • 期刊


Can Children & Literature break up and live happily ever after? -On limits and challenges of Chu Tzu-chiang's child-based theory


大陸學者朱自強定義兒童文學為「兒童的文學」,延續周作人「兒童的文學只是兒童本位的,此外更沒有什麼標準」的想法,並試圖超越周作人的兒童文學理論,建構當代中國「兒童本位」的兒童文學觀;朱自強將兒童本位論視為「真理」,據此作為評斷文本是否可以稱為「兒童文學」的標準,此一標準同樣適用兒文研究領域,因為研究者與兒童文學作家都必須抱持兒童本位思考,這種態度「應當是生就的,而不應是造就的。」 當一種論述被拉抬到「真理」與「生就」的定位,幾乎再無討論空間,本文除了檢驗「兒童本位論」的過與不及,同時進一步探討,懷抱「兒童本位」的兒童文學評論似乎總能看見一個幽靈,一個「想像的兒童」的幽靈在遊蕩;如果不能擱置「想像的兒童」,所謂「評論」是否無可避免受限於對兒童的想像,因此綁住思考文本的手腳?那麼,「兒童.文學」可以對彼此說,「讓我們在這裡分手」?它們果真可以高唱分手快樂?分手之後,「兒童文學」與「兒童文學評論」又將以何種方式存在?


Mainland China scholar, Dr. Chu Tzu-chiang defines children's literature as "literature for children" which in many ways echoes Chou Tso-Jen's child-based theory. However, Chu has been trying to progress not only further but also to construct a child-based children's literature discourse for contemporary China. It would be reasonable to say that Chu's point of view casts certain influences throughout the Chinese-speaking world. He considers this child-based children's literature discourse as a "truth" and makes it an essential requirement of defining children's literature. He suggests the same goes for the study of children's literature and this child-based way of thinking should be a built-in rather than a built-up. I would suggest that when a discourse has been positioned as a truth and a built-in, it leaves little space for discussion. I am going to disagree with Dr. Chu Tzu-chiang and examine the limits of the child-based theory. I would further suggest that a spectre is haunting the study of children's literature -- a spectre of the imagined child. I would also explore that if we cannot get rid of the spectre one way or another, can we be free enough to do our critical thinking on the text. Then, I would raise questions to myself. In the sense of children's literature, can children and Literature break up and live happily ever after? If they really do, can they be co-existing still, and in what ways?
