  • 期刊


Where Children's Literature and Ecofeminist Literary Theories Meet: Nature Writing and Young Adult Fiction




The urgent global environmental crisis has demanded human beings to reexamine the relationship between human culture and the natural world. Ecofeminist literary scholars argue that the exiting dominant language practice has distorted and obscured the subjectivity of nature, subsiding it to the claims of the humans. One big enterprise they are undertaking is to advocate a new aesthetics and experiment a new language that will respect the nonhuman world as independent subjects. This paper is to introduce ecofeminist literary theories and apply them to re-access children's literature, suggesting that children's literature has been a rich soil to put into practice ecofeminist literary ideas. With close analysis of Julie of the Wolves, this paper also suggests that for those writers interested in ecological themes, combining nature writing with young adult fiction may be a good direction to work on.
