  • 期刊


Screenplay Writing Techniques in Roald Dahl's Novels for Children


推出廣受兒童歡迎之《怪桃歷險記》和《巧克力工廠的秘密》的英國作家羅德.達爾(Roald Dahl),在正式投入創作兒童文學作品之前,曾經編寫過電影劇本;這段參與電影工業的機緣多多少少對達爾寫作的方式產生影響,因此本文嘗試從結構、視覺、聽覺效果等方面分析達爾四部曾被改編成電影的文本(《怪桃歷險記》、《巧克力工廠的秘密》、《女巫》、《瑪迪達》),希望藉由文本與改編電影的相互對照,更加瞭解達爾運用在兒童小說創作的寫作技巧。比較四部作品的情節設計和好萊塢主流電影之結構,可以知道達爾使用三段式的主流商業電影劇本結構架構其兒童小說,文本中情節轉折點的位置與實際改編電影轉折點的位置相差不大。此外,達爾把插圖當作敘述故事情節的方式之一,也就是像電影一般利用畫面講故事;同時描繪具體且詳細的事實來刻畫人物,再配合大量活潑生動的對話與富含音樂性的韻文,讓故事視聽化,人物躍然紙上,可見達爾兒童小說的敘述方式與電影劇本敘事手法頗有雷同之處,成為其特殊的個人風格。


Roald Dahl, the famous English writer who wrote James and the Giant Peach and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, had written several screenplays before his first hit of children's novels. The experience of screenplay writing should have great influence on him, because later Dahl used some screenplay-writing techniques in his novels for children. This paper compares Dahl's work with traditional screenplay writing techniques of Hollywood film industry, aiming to explain the similarities of the two. The plot of Dahl's stories is always divided into three parts by two plot points, which is similar to the structure of Hollywood mainstream films. Instead of pictures which can visualize the scene, Dahl also made illustrations part of his narration. In addition, detailed and concrete description of the characters, numerous interesting dialogue, and musical verses all make Dahl's novels as vivid as movies. Therefore, it is suggested that Dahl's using screenplay-writing techniques in novels for children has become part of his own style.
