

"Commentaries on Hou-Han Shu (後漢書)" consists of two articles inspired by Wang Fu-tzu's (王夫之) Tu Tung-chien Lun (讀通鑑論). However, as Wang's book based his discussions solely on the contents of Tzu-chih Tung-chien (資治通鑑), its relevancy is inevitably limited. In these two articles the author made use of materials which were earlier in time than Tzu-chih Tung-chien, with the purpose to correct and supplement Wang's discussions. The following is a summary of these two articles. (I) A Commentary On Ma Yüan's Defamation (論馬援之遭謗) Ma Yüan (馬援) was a meritorious general in the time of Kuang-wu Restoration (光武中興). He volunteered to suppress the revolt of Wu-ling Wu-chi (武陵五溪) barbarians with an army when he was 62 years old. Unfortunately, his army was defeated and surrounded in Hu T'ou (壺頭) and, moreover, he himself was ill. The Emperor Kuang-wu(光武帝)found him guilty. The reason seemed to be that (1) "his army was defeated and surrounded," and (2) Ma himself "accepted a bribe of pearls." In this article, the author pointed out that the real reason of Ma Yüan's degradation was his "association with guests and clients." This kind of activities could be easily suspected as to nourish private force and a menace to the security of the empire, and the Emperor Kuang wu had a great dislike of it. Liang Sung's (梁松) vilification only provided the Emperor with a good cause to dishonor Ma Yüan. (II) An Analysis of the cause of Liu Yin's Death (劉縯遭害原因之分析) Liu Yin (劉縯), the elder brother of the Emperor Kuang-wu, led his clan and followers to rise against Wang Mang (王莽) who had usurped the throne of the Han Dynasty. Liu Yin was murdered by Liu Hsüan (劉玄) before he succeeded, in his heroic career. Most historians' sympathy has been on Liu Yin's side and little has been said of the fact that Lin Yin himself was also to be blamed for his own failure. In this article the author pointed out that Lin Yin, ignoring the existing situation, opposed the generals' desire to make Liu Hsüan their emperor. After Liu Hsüan had come to the throne, Liu Yin's influence and prestige in the army and people were a great threat to Liu Ssüan. However, Liu Yin still did not pay attention to the fateful intrigues around him and neglected the warning of his relatives. So he was murdered.


